n.marouhos (at) gmail.com
(778) 846-9478
project name
project overview

The Fall was created as part of a 48 hour design jam. The theme for this design jam was the phrase “Don’t Leave, I’m not finished yet.” We decided to challenge ourselves by creating a game with a focus on atmosphere and experience. Players navigate through the environment avoiding obstacles while the environment reacts to the player’s movement.


In The Fall I worked as a programmer alongside Anshul Goyal. It was developed in Flash AS3 using object oriented programming.


At the time of this project I was very much a procedural AS2 programmer, not having much opportunity to take the time to endeavor into AS3. In the course of the 48 hours I was able to pick up AS3 as well as adapt to the object oriented workflow that Anshul (being a full-time programmer) was accustomed to.

Air Born
Role: Programmer
Project Timeline: 48 hours
group members
Carmen Chow
Anshul Goyal
Mark McLarty
Alice Tai
screen shots