n.marouhos (at) gmail.com
(778) 846-9478
project name
project overview
machealth is a repository for accredited online learning modules for medical professionals. It offers an online space for medical professionals to share thoughts on medical approaches and access learning modules to help with accreditation.

machealth is an initiative undertaken by the Division of eLearning Innovation (Deli) at McMaster University.
Throughout the development of machealth and it’s content I’ve taken on many roles within the Deli team. Overall I functioned as a general multimedia developer. This ranged from simple illustrations, interactive activity creation, web design / development, audio / video editing and simple 2d animation.

The majority of work in machealth revolved around the creation of the elearning modules. These were primarily created within the Articulate Presenter infrastructure. This is where work with audio narration took place, as well as the interactive activities that would be embedded in the articulate slides. I’ve become quite proficient in the use of the entire Articulate suite as well as other elearning packages.

In addition to the modules, I was also responsible for the skinning of the community portions of the machealth website. machealth uses a community system called community server, which I became quite proficient in skinning.
Working on machealth proved to be a very enriching experience. Having the ability to work on such a varied spectrum of multimedia projects allowed me to gain added experience in most all fields ranging from illustration to flash programming.

Having such an extensive primer into the world of elearning from experienced elearning professionals has given me a healthy understanding and respect for the possibilities of elearning and how it has grown.
Role: multimedia developer
Division of eLearning Innovation
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screen shots